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 Maths euro.

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Florent P
7 participants
Professeur de choc
Professeur de choc

Nombre de messages : 432
Age : 33
Adresse : quelque part dans le trou du cul du monde
Classe : 1ere ES b
Date d'inscription : 22/12/2007

Maths euro. Empty
MessageSujet: Maths euro.   Maths euro. Icon_minitimeMar 15 Avr - 23:03


1. What will be your state after your death?

- In a coffin
- Burnt
- To give your body to the science
- To make a donation
- In a coffin but after having donated tour organs
- To be conserved in a freezer

2. What do you want your soul to be after your death?

- In paradise
- In hell
- To be reincarnated
- To be a ghost
- To communicate with alive persons
- Nothing

3. If you were burnt, where would you like your ashes to go?

- In a pot
- Throw in a particular place
- In a fire works
- In a value object (as a necklace, a ring, …)
- Belong to a special person

4. If you were in a coffin, what would be the form of it?

- A normal one
- A particular form (as a guitar, a car, …)
- A coffin as an object d’art
- In a mould

5. If you could choose the place where you will be bury, what would you choose?

- In a simple cemetery
- Next to a celebrity
- Throw in the sea
- In a famous place (as under the Eiffel Tower…)
- In your garden

6. At the time of your death celebration, do you want your circle to be :

- Sad, crying
- Happy, remembering the best moments with you

7. At the time of your death celebration, what kind of music do you want?

- A sad one, talking about death
- One which deals with your love
- One which embodies peace and good things of the life but with a sad tune
- One which brings the joy

8. At which age do you think you will die?

9. In your opinion, how will you die?

- Naturally
- In a murder
- In an accident
- By a disease
- By commiting a suicide

10. If some people had to eat you, how would you like to be cooking?

- Raw
- Simply in a oven with some potatoes
- By the most famous cooker of the world
- For a huge party, in a fire, on a great green grass with children running around the fire where you’re burning.
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Nombre de messages : 962
Age : 33
Adresse : Ténèbres
Classe : TSa
Date d'inscription : 11/04/2007

Maths euro. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Maths euro.   Maths euro. Icon_minitimeMer 16 Avr - 15:05

1. What will be your state after your death?
- In a coffin

2. What do you want your soul to be after your death?
- To be a ghost

3. If you were burnt, where would you like your ashes to go?
- Throw in a particular place

4. If you were in a coffin, what would be the form of it?
- A coffin as an object d’art
(un object d'art , c'est ça ouais^^)

5. If you could choose the place where you will be bury, what would you choose?
- In a famous place (for me)

6. At the time of your death celebration, do you want your circle to be :
- Sad

7. At the time of your death celebration, what kind of music do you want?
A sad one

8. At which age do you think you will die?

9. In your opinion, how will you die?
- In a murder...mh

10. If some people had to eat you, how would you like to be cooking?
- Raw
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Florent P
Florent P

Nombre de messages : 791
Age : 34
Adresse : Bailleul
Classe : TSa
Date d'inscription : 11/04/2007

Maths euro. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Maths euro.   Maths euro. Icon_minitimeMer 16 Avr - 22:26

1. What will be your state after your death?

- Burnt after having donatated my organs

2. What do you want your soul to be after your death?

- In paradise

3. If you were burnt, where would you like your ashes to go?

- in a cimetery

4. If you were in a coffin, what would be the form of it?

- A normal one

5. If you could choose the place where you will be bury, what would you choose?

- In a simple cemetery

6. At the time of your death celebration, do you want your circle to be :

- Happy, remembering the best moments with you

7. At the time of your death celebration, what kind of music do you want?

- One which embodies peace and good things of the life but with a sad tune

8. At which age do you think you will die?

I don't have any idea. Too young anyway.

9. In your opinion, how will you die?

- By a disease

10. If some people had to eat you, how would you like to be cooking?

- For a huge party, in a fire, on a great green grass with children running around the fire where you’re burning.
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petit prof...
petit prof...

Nombre de messages : 76
Age : 31
Adresse : Quesnoy sur deûle
Classe : Seconde C
Date d'inscription : 24/09/2007

Maths euro. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Maths euro.   Maths euro. Icon_minitimeVen 18 Avr - 0:16

1.What will be your state after your death?

- In a coffin

2. What do you want your soul to be after your death?

- In paradise

3. If you were burnt, where would you like your ashes to go?

- In a pot

- 4. If you were in a coffin, what would be the form of it?

- A normal one

5. If you could choose the place where you will be bury, what would you choose?

- In a simple cemetery

6. At the time of your death celebration, do you want your circle to be :

- Happy, remembering the best moments with you

7. At the time of your death celebration, what kind of music do you want?

- One which brings the joy

8. At which age do you think you will die?
9. In your opinion, how will you die?

- Naturally

10. If some people had to eat you, how would you like to be cooking?

- Simply in a oven with some potatoes
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Nombre de messages : 1713
Age : 34
Adresse : Chez moi...
Classe : TSa (étudiant)
Date d'inscription : 11/04/2007

Maths euro. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Maths euro.   Maths euro. Icon_minitimeDim 20 Avr - 21:53

1. What will be your state after your death?

-> In a coffin but after having donated our organs ( not all but , to donate his eyes, it's trash isn't he?)

2. What do you want your soul to be after your death?

-> To be reincarnated (And if it's possible, to keep all the knowlegde I have,...)

3. If you were burnt, where would you like your ashes to go?

-> Throw in a particular place

4. If you were in a coffin, what would be the form of it?

-> A particular form (as a guitar, a car, …) : A sex-toy (So trash but why not,...), a synthetiseur, a jet, ...

5. If you could choose the place where you will be bury, what would you choose?

-> In a famous place (as under the Eiffel Tower…) : In Saint-Jude, into the moon, in space in general, ....

6. At the time of your death celebration, do you want your circle to be :

-> Happy, remembering the best moments with you

7. At the time of your death celebration, what kind of music do you want?

-> One which brings the joy (written by me, why not?)

8. At which age do you think you will die?

-> After I will fulfil all the things I have promised I performed

9. In your opinion, how will you die?

-> In a murder

10. If some people had to eat you, how would you like to be cooking?

-> For a huge party, in a fire, on a great green grass with children running around the fire where you’re burning ("with children running around the fire", original idea ^^)
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petit prof...
petit prof...

Nombre de messages : 248
Age : 32
Adresse : Villeneuve d'Ascq
Date d'inscription : 21/02/2008

Maths euro. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Maths euro.   Maths euro. Icon_minitimeSam 26 Avr - 17:37

1. What will be your state after your death?
- In a coffin but after having donated tour organs

2. What do you want your soul to be after your death ?
- To be a ghost

3. If you were burnt, where would you like your ashes to go ?
- Throw in a particular place

4. If you were in a coffin, what would be the form of it?
- A normal one

5. If you could choose the place where you will be bury, what would you choose?
- In your garden

6. At the time of your death celebration, do you want your circle to be :
- Happy, remembering the best moments with you

7. At the time of your death celebration, what kind of music do you want?
- One which deals with your love

8. At which age do you think you will die ? 80 years old. It's written in my hand.

9. In your opinion, how will you die ?
- By commiting a suicide

10. If some people had to eat you, how would you like to be cooking?
- Simply in a oven with some potatoes
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Professeur de choc
Professeur de choc

Nombre de messages : 376
Age : 32
Adresse : Armentières
Classe : Seconde H
Date d'inscription : 21/12/2007

Maths euro. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Maths euro.   Maths euro. Icon_minitimeSam 26 Avr - 18:30

Excuse me, dear Ingrid, but what is the relationship between Maths Euro and this lovely questionnary ? Bring Math Euro to dead ? ^^
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Professeur de choc
Professeur de choc

Nombre de messages : 432
Age : 33
Adresse : quelque part dans le trou du cul du monde
Classe : 1ere ES b
Date d'inscription : 22/12/2007

Maths euro. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Maths euro.   Maths euro. Icon_minitimeSam 26 Avr - 19:28

Well, we had to make a survey, but with our own subject and so, I think the persons who compose my group are fond of death Suspect ... Anyway, there are good questions, and please, answer !
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Maths euro. Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Maths euro.   Maths euro. Icon_minitime

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Maths euro.
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